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8 Tips for Cleaning with Citric Acid

Citric acid is our super power. Here are 8 tips on how to get your home in ship shape. From your kitchen and bath to your windows and appliances we’re getting your home fresh and clean. Who knew a single, safer choice ingredient could do so much? We did, that’s why we’re sharing!

Tip 1: Give Your Dishes and Dishwasher Some Love

It’s easy to just throw your dirty dishes into the dishwasher, add a detergent pack and run the cycle. But you can’t get clean dishes with a dirty dishwasher.

Most of us have hard water, unless you have a water softener installed in your home, and those hard minerals not only leave spots on dishes, but they cloud dishwashers, too. Citric acid breaks down hard water, balances the pH levels and makes the soap in the detergent work better.

To get the cleanest, spot-free, shiniest dishes and dishwasher, follow these three steps:

  • Use a dishwashing detergent with citric acid (we’ve got a great one)
  • Add a citric-acid based dish detergent booster to remove the toughest hard water spots and film, like our award-winning Booster.
  • Add a citric-acid based dishwasher rinse aid to your machine once a month without the heated dry option to keep your dishwasher as clean as the day you bought it (we have that too)

Tip 2: Let The Dish Soap Do All The Hard Work

No one has time to spend their day scrubbing dirty dishes. So, speed up the clean time with a concentrated dish soap like ours, with citric acid to break down even the greasiest cookware without all the elbow grease. 

Tip 3: De-Germ Your Toilet without Harsh Chemicals

We get it. The toilet area isn’t where most people want to go easy. Using bleach-based products might seem like a good idea, but Leave the chlorine for the pool. You can get an equally-powerful clean using citric acid instead.

Just flush the toilet first to remove any loose grime and to wet the bowl. Squirt our citric-acid based toilet cleaner under the rim and give it about five minutes to coat the bowl. Give it a scrub and flush. Your toilet is squeaky clean without chlorine, phosphates or anything toxic, plus it’s free from lime, rust and hard water stains.  

Tip 4: Clean Your Shower, Tub, Sink and Counters with One Product

Why lug around a basket full of bathroom products when you can clean just about everything in your bathroom with one, product? Use our citric-acid multi-surface cleaner to wipe down surfaces, remove soap scum and disinfect.

Our cleaners do more than break down soap scum and hard water. They naturally disinfect. That means no harsh chemicals or residue. To get the most out of your cleaner, spray it on the surface and let it sit for at least 20 seconds to penetrate and five minutes to disinfect. The short wait will allow the cleaner to break down residue so you don’t have to work so hard.

Tip 5: Kill Mold and Mildew without Killing Your Lungs

Most mold and mildew removers are tough. No wonder most people hold their breath when they spray down their showers and tubs – it burns. Our citric-acid cleaners kill the common bathroom mold, aspergillus brasillensis, in minutes. Citric acid lowers the pH levels of bacteria, allowing the cleaner to penetrate the cell walls of mold, mildew, and bacteria. All you have to do is spray it on the non-porous surface, give it a few minutes to do its thing, then wipe or rinse with water. Say bye-bye to mold and mildew, not your clean air.

Tip 6: Save Time with Cleaning Wipes

Short on time and all about convenience? Try our disinfecting citric acid based wipes to cut down on time to clean most of your household surfaces.

Most people use wipes until they’re nearly dry before getting another wipe. While this may make your surface look clean, it may not result in an actual deep clean or disinfecting you were looking for. As with most cleaning products, wipes are most effective when the cleansers on them are allowed to penetrate the dirt, grease, and bacteria. Get another wipe as soon as you notice you can’t see any cleanser on the surface you’re cleaning. 

Tip 7: Make Your Shower Easier to Clean 

Hard water and soap scum build-up are natural byproducts of our daily showers. It makes the typical weekly clean a lot more difficult. You can cut down on the time to clean if you use a daily shower spray that prevents the build-up in the first place.

After showering, spray down shower, wait 60 seconds, then wipe or rinse. You’ll find your regular cleaning goes a lot faster and you won’t have to look at unsightly build-up every day!

Tip 8: Don’t Forget Your Appliances

It seems counterintuitive to clean the appliances that clean your stuff, but hard water and soap scum build-up on them as much as they do your shower. They can also begin to stink, spreading that stink onto your stuff. To keep your appliances running in tip-top shape and smelling fresh, give them a good cleaning on a regular basis.

Don’t worry. Cleaning your appliances doesn’t have to involve any muscle from you. Try our line of appliance cleaners with citric acid and your appliances will not only sparkle, but they’ll work better.

With the power of citric acid, it’s easy to get a clean home that's safe for your family, and the environment. Look for citric acid as a power ingredient. Even better, look for a Safer Choice label from the EPA on the packaging. If the cleaner has it, you can have peace of mind the product uses only scientifically-proven safer ingredients that work as well or better than their harsher counterparts. To find out more, visit the EPA Safer Choice website.

Dishwasher Bundle

The complete Lemi Shine dish care bundle for spotless dishes and glassware.

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Dishwasher Bundle

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